Saturday, April 16, 2011

Opening Day at the Garden...or Not.

Hi Everyone,

Lowly here reporting from Madison, WI.

Today was a very excitig day - opening day at Quann Gardens where my family has their very own plot at this huge organic garden. The gardening team consists of me - Lowly (ok...Lola to everyone but Claire), my mom Jackie and my siblings Paige, Andy, and Claire.  My job is to report on the progress of our garden while everyone else does the work.  I think this sounds like a great plan. I may make an appearance or two at the garden this season but I don't know if four legged creatures are allowed - even ones as adorable as me!

This morning Jackie and Paige left me at home with a fresh bone to chew while they went to the garden - picking up Claire on the way.  Andy didn't go because he had to get ready to go downtown to protest the Sarah Palin rally.  I went to some rallies in the winter when there were tens of thousands of people at the Capitol Square in Madison.  I even got to sing, If I had a Hammer, with Peter from Peter, Paul and Mary!

We got an email yesterday reminding us of the opening of the garden (like we'd forget!) and that the first garden work day was supposed to occur in the morning.  Every garden plot has to volunteer for four hours working on the entire garden.  But, becuase it was cold, rainy, and even snowing, the volunteer day was pushed back to next week.

They didn't even have the sheet up that told us what plot we get!  But I've assigned Claire the task of emailing the garden coordinator to get our plot number.  I'm hoping for one that doesn't have lots of grass and weeds.

We should have more information this week.

Paige is in charge of designing our garden - figuring out what plants go where.  She even got some graph paper out to help her figure out where things should go in our 20 x 20 plot.  We already have some seeds - kale, beans, squash, and some others that I can't remember and we are going to go to the farmers market next month to pick out plants.

I have two pictures to share..but I have to figure out how to put them on here.  Once I figure out the trick, I'll get them up here.

Well...welcome to my...i mean our blog.  I'll give you updates as frequently as I can...and if you're lucky, maybe i'll share some veggies with you.



  1. Oh, neat another garden to follow besides T's in Columbia, SC

  2. Dear Lola,

    Oh, I've heard so much about you, and I hear you talking from time to time, too.

    So Lola, this is what you do: when you're pawing out your posts, above the big box for the words is a teeny, tiny, box that looks like a picture. Paw your mouse over to that and click. Might as well give a little yelp at the same time. Why not? I know you think it's fun! Then you click on browse and search for the pictures you want on the computer.

    Sometimes your human pets have them stored on a camera. If so, with your teeth, plug the cord into the camera and also into the USB port of the computer (or pull out the memory card from the camera and put it into one of those card boxes that you plug into the computer - if this is the case, Lola, you might need help from your pets b'cuz memory cards are tiny). Then you upload all the pics from the camera onto the computer, and THEN do the original instructions.

    I can't wait to see your garden, Lola! Before, during, and after pics. I'll send you some seeds, okay?
